Before the implementation of medical imaging equipment in a facility, along with the standard questions of “how efficient will the system be?” curiosity may cause many other questions to arise such as:

While these questions are mainly only for general research purposes, knowing this information would provide individuals with significant insight in understanding all about the equipment used in the facility on a nearly daily basis.

Over the years in using these machines, there would come a time where it would be time to upgrade the equipment. New or refurbished medical imaging equipment would help with:

  • Improvement in operations.
  • Expanding the business.
  • Increase profitability.
  • Patient satisfaction.

While upgrading the equipment, it takes a considerable amount of planning to avoid pitfalls. If not performed correctly, it could end up in cost overruns, employee frustration, and patient dissatisfaction.

The better the planning, the more time and money would be saved. The following are a few tips to make the upgrading process easier:

• Selecting the right equipment.

This would involve a significant amount of research and team effort.

• Examining the workflow.

Considering making adjustments to the workflow patterns to improve patient and staff satisfaction.

• Determine the best design.
• Having an interim plan.

This would allow the maintenance of patient volume while upgrading equipment.

• A project timetable.

This would allow proper scheduling which would save time and help avoid multiple cost overages.

  • Establish an accurate and realistic budget.
  • Creating a detailed and precise plan for construction.
  • Acquire professional advice from the medical imaging equipment industry.

While an upgrade for these pieces of equipment is generally a necessity since all machines deteriorate over time, selecting the right devices could save many of the expenses and time involved in this process.
Amber Diagnostics is an organization that issues high-quality used and refurbished equipment worldwide. Amber diagnostics also provides customized services to meet client needs to ensure excellent patient results and comfort.
